Associate Member – Certified Practitioner or Master Practitioner of NLP
Open to those using NLP therapeutically under supervision, including coaches, counsellors, therapists, etc.
- Suitable for certified Practitioners of NLP or Master Practitioners of NLP.
- This category is also open to members working overseas
- Annual Membership Fee £100
Education and training requirements
- Certification as a Practitioner of NLP and other NLP education that provides a minimum total of 120 hours contact time with a certified NLP Trainer or equivalent.
- At least 60 hours contact time must be in person (in the same room), the remainder can be in person or remote (online).
- Pre-recorded training is not acceptable.
Ethical practice requirements
- Receive at least 12 hours Supervision per annum with an accredited NLPtCA Supervisor or recognised equivalent (e.g. BPS, BACP).
- Agreement to work within scope of practice agreed with supervisor.
- Adhere to NLPtCA Code of Ethics.
- Have professional indemnity insurance.
Apply now to join NLPtCA as an Associate Member
Member in Training – NLPt Psychotherapist in Training
Open to those currently enrolled in formal Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy training. Requires a letter of confirmation from your training school.
- This category offers a 50% discount on annual membership fee for a maximum of 5 years.
- Annual Membership Fee £50
- Requires an annual confirmation of training letter from your psychotherapy training school
- May be eligible for Trainee Membership of UKCP
Education and training requirements
- Enrolled in formal Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy training to become an NLPt psychotherapist (e.g. Diploma in NLPt training programme or equivalent recognised psychotherapy training(s)).
- An annual letter of confirmation from training organisation(s).
- Working towards a minimum of 500 training hours at postgraduate level in the required Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy topics, including:
- 240+ hours – Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Attitudes, Skills, Tools and Techniques (including Practitioner and Master Practitioner of NLP)
- 80+ hours – Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy (NLPt) Theory and Clinical Practice
- 80+ hours – A Critical Understanding of Psychotherapy Studies (Human Development, Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, Sexuality and Gender, Ethics, Research Methods, Social Science)
- 40+ hours – Knowledge of other psychotherapeutic approaches
- 60+ hours – Other NLPt and related subjects
- Full details on the training requirements can be found in the NLPtCA Accreditation Guidelines.
- At least 50% of training hours must be in person (in the same room). The remainder can then follow as in person or remote (online) training. Pre-recorded training is not acceptable.
Ethical practice requirements
- Supervision as per accreditation requirements with an NLPtCA Supervisor or recognised equivalent (e.g. BPS, BACP).
- Agreement to work within scope of practice agreed with supervisor.
- Adhere to NLPtCA Code of Ethics.
- Have professional indemnity insurance.
Apply now to join NLPtCA as a Member in Training
Member of NLPtCA – NLPt Psychotherapist
Open to those who have completed formal training as a Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapist with a minimum of 500 training hours at postgraduate level covering ALL the required Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy topics.
Members have been previously accredited by NLPtCA and do not wish to be Registered with UKCP, or have completed training in all required Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy topics and do not yet hold accredited status with NLPtCA.
- Annual Membership Fee £100
Education and training requirements
- Completed a minimum of 500 training hours at postgraduate level in ALL the required Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy topics.
- Training to have included:
- 240+ hours – Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Attitudes, Skills, Tools and Techniques (including Practitioner and Master Practitioner of NLP)
- 80+ hours – Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy (NLPt) Theory and Clinical Practice
- 80+ hours – A Critical Understanding of Psychotherapy Studies (Human Development, Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, Sexuality and Gender, Ethics, Research Methods, Social Science)
- 40+ hours – Knowledge of other psychotherapeutic approaches
- 60+ hours – Other NLPt and related subjects
- Full details on the training requirements can be found in the NLPtCA Accreditation Guidelines.
- At least 50% of training hours must be in person in the same room. The remainder can then follow as in person or remote (online) training.
- Pre-recorded training is not acceptable.
Ethical practice requirements
- Supervision as per accreditation requirements with an NLPtCA Supervisor or recognised equivalent (e.g. BPS, BACP).
- Agreement to work within scope of practice agreed with supervisor.
- Adhere to NLPtCA Code of Ethics.
- Have professional indemnity insurance.
Apply now to join NLPtCA as a Member

Accredited Member of NLPtCA – NLPtCA Accredited & UKCP Registered NLPt Psychotherapist
Open to those who have achieved NLPtCA Accreditation and wish to be registered with UKCP.
- Annual Membership Fee £100
- Annual Re-accreditation Fee £80
- Eligible for Clinical Membership of UKCP
- Requires membership of NLPtCA for at least 12 months prior to application for accreditation
Education and training requirements
- Achieved Accreditation with NLPtCA as a Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapist and demonstrated meeting all quantitative and qualitative requirements including:
- Graduate level education / equivalent experience
- 500+ hours formal Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy training
- 450+ hours supervised client work
- 250+ hours of supervision and self-development
- 25+ hours of personal therapy
- Training period – minimum 4 years, maximum 10 years
- Full details on the training and supervised experience requirements can be found in the NLPtCA Accreditation Guidelines.
Ethical practice requirements
- Supervision as per accreditation requirements with an NLPtCA Supervisor or recognised equivalent (e.g. BPS, BACP).
- Adhere to NLPtCA and UKCP Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
- Have professional indemnity insurance.
- Annual NLPtCA re-accreditation.
- 5 yearly re-accreditation with UKCP
Non-practising / Retired Practitioner Member
Non-practising or retired members who wish to maintain their links with NLPtCA.
- Annual Membership Fee £50
Education and training requirements
- Have previously been a Member or an Accredited Member of NLPtCA.
Ethical practice requirements
- Sign a declaration stating that they are not seeing clients, therefore do not require supervision.
- Recommended to maintain insurance cover in perpetuity.