We’ve curated freely available material from a number of sources – newspapers, professional associations and our own therapists – to help you survive and thrive during this time of lockdown and social isolation.  If you need the help of a therapist you can search for someone in your area through this website.

Supporting Yourself and Others in the Time of Covid-19: Clean Language Approaches for Difficult Times

NLPtCA members, James Lawley, Penny Tompkins and Greta Irving participated in a (free) series entitled ‘Supporting Yourself and Others in the Time of Covid-19: Clean Language Approaches for Difficult Times’. These workshops were recorded and are available free to anyone who registers on the site. Please click on the link for more information: https://cleanlanguagetraining.com/supporting-yourself-and-others-in-the-time-of-covid-19/

A Resource Submitted by Joanna Taylor

Mindfulness and Self-Hypnosis for Emotional Resilience – A Short course designed by Joanna Taylor Principal of the School of Clinical and Neurolinguistic Hypnotherapy.

This online course has been designed to bring you a number of different tools and techniques, spiced with a little theory for those who are interested, to enable you to discover and access your own inner resources, create a sense of balance, and build your emotional and mental resilience. This course has been Quality Checked by the National Hypnotherapy Society, and represents five hours of CPD. https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/30722/about

UKCP “COVID-19 Online Working Guidance”

The guidance is in the members’ area of the UKCP website so you will need to login and then click on “COVID-19 Online Working Guidance”. The guidance is in the form of text and is aimed at therapists who work with adults. The intention is to follow this with advice for working with children and young people.
Adult guidance is comprehensive and covers: 
Legal; Data Protection; Privacy Notice; Applicable Standards of Practice; Insurance. 
Technological Implications; Online Platforms; Email Protocols; Use of other online platforms. 
Confidentiality; Assessment; Informed Consent;

Dis-inhibition; Culture and Diversity. 
Modality specific issues; Client safety in crisis; Payment; Social Media; Phone Calls
The guidance finishes with questions asking you to confirm you have read understood and taken action.


HealBreath is a technique to activate the immune system to bring fast healing at a site of injury or disease or to protect against the growth of infection. We have been given permission to share this. You may find it helpful for yourself and your clients. 
Read it here …. Thank you, Catherine.

From the BBC website

Survivors’ mental health
… fear of dying, anxiety, depression, anger, panic attacks, insomnia and survivor’s guilt – all known to affect survivors of natural disasters and war – have emerged as common symptoms.
Read more here …  Thank you, Piers.

From the Guardian:

The secret of calm: how to de-stress if you have one minute, five minutes – or 14 days.  Read more here …. Thank you, Catherine

Other Sources of Professional Guidance

In addition to information and guidance offered by UKCP, other professional and commercial counselling organisations also make guidance freely available to all whether or not you are a member. Helpful sources of information include BACP, Advice from Counselling Directory and the Association of Counselling and Therapy Online (acto).

Bessel Van Der Kolk

Bessel Van Der Kolk has made a short video that is available through NICABM in which he talks about the impact of social isolation and lockdown during Covid-19 in terms of “pre-traumatic” condition. In this short clip, he identifies the key characteristics of trauma and gives suggestions about how we might address each one for ourselves and for our clients.  Read more here ..